The Dom Aelred Carlyle Ordinariate Chapter
of Pluscarden Oblates

Who was Dom Aelred Carlyle

Aelred Carlyle established an Anglican Benedictine on Caldey Island, South Wales in 1906. When the community came into conflict with the Bishop of Oxford in 1913 over conformity to Anglican practices, Carlyle and most of his monks were received together into the Catholic Church.

The Benedictine Community at Pluscarden Abbey near Elgin in Moray are the successors of the Caldey Island community. Members of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham followed a similar path when Pope Benedict XVI established the Ordinariate in 2011.

Who can become an Oblate?

Any baptized man or woman who desires to follow Christ at a deeper level by following the Rule of St Benedict.

What is The Dom Aelred Carlyle Chapter?

The Dom Aelred Carlyle Chapter of Pluscarden Oblates is part of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham but is open to Christians of all denominations. It offers oblates who value the Anglican patrimony now incorporated into the Catholic Church, the opportunity for formation according to the Rule of St Benedict. The chapter offers oblates the opportunity of deepening their understanding and the lived experience of the Benedictine roots of the Anglican Patrimony.

The Chapter has the full support and encouragement of Dom Anselm Atkinson OSB, Abbot of Pluscarden, and Monsignor Keith Newton PA, Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.

What happens now?

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